Founded as an outreach mission of St. John's in 2018, Outreach Teen Relief has raised over $6,000 for direct aid to the teen population of Dryden.

School Supplies for another year
We gathered quite a stash of school supplies this year. They were going to both Dryden High School and Dryden Elementary as well as to Susan McNary’s 1st grade class. Buying the supplies is so much fun. We hope our students have a wonderful and fun year.
From left to right, delivered to Dryden Elementary, Dryden High and Susan McNary. Thanks to all who made this possible.

We're in the news!
Follow this link to learn more about Outreach Teen Relief in the County Press.

The Strickler Brothers Concert raises
over $600 for Outreach Teen Relief
These folks are accomplished musicians on the guitar and the piano. Their repertoire is extensive. And they kept us smiling and tapping our toes throughout the evening. Rev. Tom did a masterful job as MC. During the intermission, he described the importance of the Outreach Teen Relief mission and introduced Russ Underwood as the founder. There were roughly 60 people in the audience and they donated over $600 in the free-will offering. Our next concert is scheduled for Saturday, March 11, 2023 when we will welcome a Michigan folk-music treasure – Matt Wratroba.

Outreach Teen Relief Get’s a Thank-You from Dryden High Students
This was posted on the Dryden Community Schools Facebook page
A huge #proudcardinal thank you to St. John's Episcopal Church in Dryden for the donation of school supplies, including these binders that our English 11 students will use to organize their career portfolios!
It’s good to see our young people excited about their futures – and we were able to help!