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Clergy of St. John’s 


1893 - 1901 Rev. Fred Hall


1902 - 1902 Rev. R.  S. Kilty


1903 - 1907 Rev. W.  R. Blanchford


1908 - 1912 Rev. William H. Gallagher


1922 - 1928 Rev. William Vincent


1929 - 1931 Rev. Walter Williamson


1931 - 1942 Rev. Luther Moore

     Lilly Maude Oram - Field Worker (assisted Rev. Moore for several               years).  Rev. Moore held services in three churches.


1942 - 1945 Rev. J.E. Reid - Supply Clergy

     Rev. R.M. Blanchford - Supply Clergy

     Rev. Gordon Mattews - Supply  Clergy

     Rev. M.A. Taylor - Supply Clergy


1946 - 1949 Rev. James Colby


1950 - 1951 No services held Dec. 1949 - May 1951

     Mr. Richard Williams, Lay Minister in charge for May & June 1950,             when the church was reorganized. Mr. Williams was at that time a           Priest in Stockham, California. Mr. Bert White, a seminarian, held             services in the summer assisted by John Poulos, a seminarian.


1952 Rev. Bierlein was ordained Deacon by Bishop Hubbard in June            1952 at Grace church in Lapeer and became Deacon-in-charge of             St. John's.


1953 January  Bishop Emrich ordained Rev. Bierlein to the Priesthood.


1954 - 1960 Rev. Ray Bierlein


1961 Rev Benaiah Crew served from Nov. 1960 to Dec. 1961


1962 - 1966 Rev. Alfred Dawe, Deacon


1967 - 1976 Rev. Arthur Whitbread


1977 - 1980 Rev. James Graham - Supply Priest, Rev. Canon Yung                    Chou, Grace church Lapeer, Priest-in-charge


1981 Rev John L. Mand, Deacon


1981 July Rev. John L Mand ordained Priest by Bishop Gordon


1996 December Rev. John L Mand retired


1997 - 1998 Rev. Franklin Bennett, Supply Priest


1998 February Wanda L Ray, Lay Vicar In-Charge


1998 - 2000 Rev. Canon Robert Davidson - Supply Priest


1999 December 12th Wanda L Ray ordained Deacon by Bishop               Leidel


2000 July 23rd Rev. Wanda L. Ray ordained Priest by Bishop Leidel


2003 Rev. Wanda L. Ray Priest accepts call to Christ Church, Huron OH


2003 - 2004 Rev. Canon F. Robert Davidson - Supply Priest


2004 - 2016 Rev. Susan C. Rich


2016 - 2020 Rev. Nancy Steele


2019 - 2023 Rev. Thomas M. Manney


2023-Present Rev. Harold Schneider




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